


By: Rashid Hussein Shariff

Photo Courtesy: ravenessences.files.wordpress.com

It’s been quite a while since I spoke to my former classmate.Tonight she’s calling from Germany. Immediately,Imaginations of Berlin wall conjure up,and as expected,my mouth is executing as fast as my thoughts are formed are formed.Call it “Thinking aloud”.The next thing i know,I’m spewing historical facts of Berlin wall and how it was destroyed in 1989.At this juncture,a sigh -pregnant with boredom- is heaved on the other end.Alas! I am talking to a ‘practical’ human being living in 2nd April 2016.This and many other instances,remind me about two kinds of people:The ‘intuitive’ and the ‘practical’.Some of us are at the extreme end of either personalities while others oscillate in between.

So who’s this ‘intuitive’ person? She’s the kind who looks beyond the facts.In fact,she gives meaning to everything she sees.While you see a finger nail,she sees Keratin, and if you’re keen enough she doesn’t mind bombarding you with information on the chemical structure of the amino acids that make up Keratin.I proudly identify myself in this category,though with time i have learn’t to bite my tongue when talking to a ‘practical’ character,as is the case tonight.At this point, our conversation hovers around the German car industry,we talk about the pristine design of the Mercedez Maybach .Meanwhile, my mind randomly picks a principle of design ‘form follows function’ from an archive of industrial design literature that i have,thus so far,read.But with grace i swallow it back as quickly as it came.Of course,for the sake of a lively conversation with my ‘practical’ friend,on the other side of the phone.In a nutshell,these ‘intuitive’ types like to see the big picture,they trust impressions,symbols and metaphors more than what they actually experience.They’re fond of leaping between ideas and possibilities when solving a problem.They are dreamers who see possibilities that sometime exceed their ability to turn them into reality.These are ‘intuitives’.

On the opposite end,are people like my friend.Unlike their intuitive counterparts who would imagine the pixels making up the screen.To the, the screen is just that:A screen! They’re concerned with what is actual,present, current and real.A very efficient way of losing their attention in a conversation;is by ranting theories-explaining why things are the way they are.They trust experience more than they trust words and symbols.They start with facts then form a bigger picture.They pay so much attention to facts that they miss new possibilities.Be actual,be real. That’s how you appeal to these kinds when communicating with them.

Either way,I don’t intend to say which is better.As a matter of fact these personalities can work seamlessly while occasionally complementing the other.At any given time the intuitive will see the bigger picture within a project and thus provide direction through plans and strategies while the ‘practical’ asses and operationalize those plans..

Photo Courtesy: Unknown

Every day of our lives is a new adventure; a new odyssey and within this limited time we have on earth, we meet all kinds of people; different colours, different characters, different religions, different backgrounds of which in one way or another have an impact in our lives. Some will love us, some will teach us lessons, some will anticipate our downfall but all in all, all these people have created some sort of difference in us.

There may have been a time when you were accused for something you are not, maybe people misjudged your intentions, or questioned your trustworthiness, or doubted your abilities or pointed fingers at you for something you are innocent about then please remember this; a rose by any other name is still a rose.

People may hate you for what you are, they may criticize you, they may want to bring you down with their words but shut your ears to what they say; you don’t need such negative forces entering your brain. They may call you names, they may insult you but when you are a rose, even when they call you a cactus, it doesn’t make you one. The most important thing is that you are who you are. You know yourself better than anyone else; you know your struggles, your dreams, your pain and your path and you DON’T need to justify yourself in front of anyone.

One of the greatest lessons we are taught in life is that you shouldn’t have any expectations on anyone or anything. When you love then do so truly and be content with what you have in your heart even when the rest don’t love you back. When you give then give sincerely, give to whoever is in need even if it is your worst enemy and without hoping that one day they will appreciate you. Truth is, human beings barely appreciate anything they have or are given. So when you do anything do it with a pure heart and then leave. Dont wait for a thank you or anything. And when people start pointing fingers and criticizing you, then take a swift turn and walk away without saying anything. You don’t have to prove to anyone or even the world that you are good or that you meant good or that you cared. You don’t have to justify your actions. You don’t have to tell anyone, ‘I did this because it was the best for you’ because one other important thing we should all realize is that just like you can’t force a cow to drink from the river, then you also can’t convince a person or people who have pre-assumed attitudes on you, to think otherwise.

Life is too short for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations. So just do your thing and forget that you even did it. Not everyone deserves to know the real you so let them criticize who they think you are. For as long as you know that all your intentions are sincere and pure, don’t listen to what the world has to say about you. God knows the real you and that is what really ever mattered. Maybe one day they will understand and maybe they will also appreciate you but dont wait for that day because it may never come.