
Dear Beloved Reader,

Thank you so much for reading, sharing, and critiquing my work throughout my years as a blogger and author. None of this would ever have been possible without Allah’s favour and your immense support.

I’d love to invite you to support me further in this journey. I have started a patronage program for the blog where readers can chip in and support the growth and content creation of this website. There won’t be a standard fee but rather it will be an open invitation for anyone to give whatever they feel, at whatever time is convenient. One can contribute weekly, monthly, whenever a blog is posted, or whenever one feels generous 😀

Any amount is most welcome too!

This will assist me in growing this website further, doing more content creation, and research, and maybe even conducting more writing trainings!

If the blog has ever been relatable, a source of joy, smiles & laughter, comfort, inspiration, and enlightenment, and made you feel heard and seen, then I’ll really appreciate your support.

Thank you once again.

Stay blessed and keep reading!! 💛

Support for more awesome content!!!