
Lubnah Abdulhalim


By: Naima Baghozi

A girl in our school named Kela was the most selfish person anyone can come across. Read on and you will understand what I mean…

My name is Malu and I see myself as a very friendly and outgoing girl. This, you will know from the uncountable friends that I have. I couldn’t see anyone in a bad way; in fact I took everyone as friendly, outgoing and kind as myself. Therefore, it was a surprise to me when almost everybody tried to convince me what a bad and selfish girl the new student named Kela was. I just couldn’t believe nor accept it and I kept telling everyone that it can’t be true. That she is just shy, being new in the school and in town too for she and her parents had just moved from a neighboring town. I kept on finding excuses for her. However, my friends just would not understand why I wouldn’t believe them. This is because I am the sort of person who has to see things for myself without being told to believe, so I decided to keep my eyes wide open on Kela.

Luckily it so happened that Kela was placed in the same class as I and I decided to be my usual friendly self. I went over to where she was sitting and extended my hand in order to introduce myself. ‘Hello, my name is Malu and what is yours?’ I said with a big smile on my face but…

She just looked at my hand with such disgust on her face that one would have thought my hand was a snake ready to strike her. I felt so horrible and walked away slowly wondering what was wrong with her!?

That was my first experience with her but I refused to give up on her because I am not used to people snubbing me – so it was like a challenge for me and I decided to face it… She didn’t know what was coming, he, he, he…

All the way home and far into the night while lying on my bed open eyed, I kept trying to figure Kela out, wondering why she was like this or what made her be this way??? Questions, questions and more questions kept on revolving around my head. I decided there and then that I will do everything in my power to find out. I then fell into a deep sleep right away as I was very tired.

“Kela, Kela come play with me skipping rope please.”

“No Malu, I don’t want to.”

“Oh! Please, please, it is going to be a lot of fun.”

“I said no. I don’t want.” continued Kela with a long face and then even stuck her tongue out at me. That was very rude but I wouldn’t take no for an answer and kept urging her to go and play together…

“Come on Kela, I am just trying to be your friend…”

“I don’t have any friends” Kela replied.

“I know that, that’s why I want to be the first one.” I continued, “Please Kela! Here, shake my hand so we can truly be friends!”

Reluctantly at first a small smile started on Kela’s face and she actually looked pretty instead of her usual long face. She then took my hand in hers and her face lightened up with this beautiful smile and just said “thanks friend…”

“Malu, Malu – what’s wrong with you? Malu, can you hear me?”

I got up with a start and confusion, for a minute not knowing where I was and then I realized I was in my bed. My mother was hovering over me with a worried look on her face and I then realized all that was a dream.

My mom asked me, “Are you alright?”

“Oh! I am fine mom; I was just in a deep sleep and having a dream.” I replied.

“Well, you better get up, breakfast is ready or you will be late for school,” said my mom.

Strangely enough this dream gave me more courage to face Kela and make sure she becomes my friend because I felt there must be something sad that has made her become the sort of person she is now and I was going to make sure I find out what it was.

I quickly got out of bed and did my morning rituals, then right after breakfast picked up my school bag and off I went to school. On the way I met up with a couple of my friends and we went on chattering all the way to school.

The day was as normal a school day usually is. I decided I won’t be too forward with Kela and that I will take things as slow as I can so as not to give her the impression of my being pushy. So I greeted her and moved on.

I decided it would be best to just observe her and her habits and then and only then make my moves in trying to convince her to mend her ways.

It wasn’t long before I found out, for I sit right in the next desk from her, and I could see how terribly rude she was to almost every student who tried to be friendly with her. She would even make faces at their backs and this is a very bad habit for anyone to have.

As days went by I couldn’t help noticing how much she preferred to keep to herself and do everything by herself. She would come to school alone and walk home alone. I felt very sorry for this girl, I don’t know why but I just thought to myself what a miserable life she must be living!

To give credit to my friends, I must accept their opinion about Kela, for she did turn out to be exactly what my friends branded her to be:

She wouldn’t even share anything of hers with anybody in class; not a rubber, a ruler or even a text book. If anybody dares request her to lend them one or any other of these things – then that person will definitely get a rude plain answer of “NO”.

Come break time when all of the girls don’t mind sharing whatever delicacies we bring from home, she would definitely refuse to even come near us, leave alone sharing her own which we never knew what it was anyway. Oh God! She is such a SNOB, we finally decided.

Thus the days kept dragging on in the same pattern more or less until…

Until one day I decided now this has to stop and I took it in my hands to just follow her home and see where she lives or what sort of life she was living in order for me to make some sense out of all this.

So, after school on this particular day I told my friends to just go on home and that I won’t be long before I join them. Luckily they didn’t question me as to why and why not.

After they left, I hid behind a huge tree which was near our school gate. Not long after, I saw Kela coming out. She first did a strange thing; she looked around all sides as though checking to see if anyone was looking at her. Thank God for the big tree which hid me well, for she passed right by me without even noticing that I was there.

As luck would have it, the path she was taking was quite the opposite of the one leading to my home. I was so glad because this way my friends won’t see me following Kela. My curiosity was driving me crazy about this girl; I just hoped it won’t kill me like it did the cat…

This was my very first time to take this route, so I tried to be very discreet so that Kela may not notice me. I kept quite a small distance between us and I hid behind trees and bushes as we went along – it was quite a distance but I kept on until we came to a little hill which I let Kela climb up and then she disappeared over it, I slowly climbed over it and at the top of it I stood still in shock with my mouth wide open with wonder seeing Kela slowly drawing her legs towards what one can call a home.

You see, what was down there was the worst horrific site of a slum village. So many lousily built box and paper houses clustered so unhealthily together, one would even wonder how anyone can know which one is hers or his.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks and a huge painful lump clogged in my throat wondering if Kela did even have any meal at all. I felt so sad for her and such strong feelings of pity filled the whole of me and for the first time in my life I lifted my face up to the sky and thanked God so much for the privileges that I had, which those people living down that hill never had. I vowed there and then to help this girl in what ever means I can.

Now, everything fell right in place in explanation to her misery and to her attitude in general. One thing impressed me though about her and which made me wonder “how does she manage to come to school so clean every day?!”
I looked down once more and then dragged my feet home like in slow motion, my heart feeling so heavy in sadness…

What will Malu do about Kela?? Wait for the next piece soon in shaa Allah!


Long time back in Mwapata land lived a small boy of nine years. His name was Muja but famously known as ‘Muja the kind hearted’ by everyone, big and small.

Muja lived with his father and mother who were quite old, but they brought him up to be a very good boy.
Muja was always kind to old people and even small children and not forgetting the animals. He would always help an old person cross the road or help an old woman carry her heavy load and if a small child is in distress then yes of course Muja would be right there to assist in whatever the problem is. As for the animals, he always had a very soft heart for them and did not like to see anybody hurting them.

That is why he earned the name ‘Muja, the kind hearted’ , and all people referred to him that way. As soon as he appeared anywhere, someone would be heard as saying “here comes Muja the kind hearted” and thus was loved by everyone. No one would want to harm him in anyway but would always have a kind or a soft word for Muja.

Now, Muja’s daily routine would be to wake up very early in the morning at the first call of the rooster’s “cock-a-doodle do” in order to fetch water from the well to wash himselfup and also to make sure his parents had enough for use.

Then after drinking his tea, he takes his bag and on his way to school he goes – up the lane, up and up the hill then at the top of the hill he takes a breath and looks down at the view which awaits him and he says to himself “ Oh! What a beautiful village we have….” And then jumps and trots down the hill towards his school where he knows his friends would be eagerly awaiting his arrival so they can play together a little bit before the bell rings for assembly.

As soon as school ends for the day, Muja has no time for friends but he would rush out of school and climb up the hill and run all the way home for he knows he has got chores awaiting him. One of them being to go and fetch firewood from a nearby bush for his mother. He would always be cautious about his mother’s warning of never going deep in the bush for fear of wild animals.

The one thing that the Mwapata Land boys liked best to do was to hunt for the many beautiful little birds who were all over the place. So after school they would normally be out with their catapults trying their best shots with pebbles at them, for they say they are very tasty when roasted. However, everybody knew of Muja’s weakness where these little birds were concerned and wouldn’t even stop to fight in order to save them. So whenever the area boys are already at their mischief, one is normally kept on guard to look out for Muja and the moment he sees him coming, he would yell ‘run ,Muja the kind hearted’ is coming, then they would all scatter in different directions in fear that if they will be caught then anything can strike them. Oh! Yes, they would even go as far as calling the birds as “Muja’s Birds.”

One day as Muja was collecting his mother’s firewood not so far from his home lane, he thought he heard his name – so he stopped picking up the wood to listen but only silence met him, he then continued to pick his firewood but it didn’t take long before he heard it again and this time it was quite clear for he had moved up a bit in his collection and this is what he heard from a tiny small clear but sad voice ;

“Muja,ooh! Muja
Please, please
Help me……..”

And it continued on and on as he moved towards the voice only to find one little bird trapped and could not free itself to fly off. It was so frightened that if it was found by one of the boys it would soon be on a fire being roasted and to be made into a nice meal.

So Muja rushed to it and said ‘Oh! You sweet little bird, don’t be frightened, Muja is here now to set you free”…. And you know what? Muja did just that, he carefully removed it from the trap and set it free to fly away in the skies and the little bird was so grateful as it flew away saying:

“Ooh! Muja, Ooh! Muja
Thank you for saving my life.
Ooh! You kind hearted Muja….”

Muja found himself smiling silently and went to collect his wood to take to his mother who would be waiting for it patiently in order to start cooking their dinner.

When Muja got home, he explained everything to his parents. His mother told him “Muja, you are a fine boy” and his father said “Muja my son, you will one day make a fine man”.
These compliments made Muja’s heart fill with joy for he always appreciates his parents’ comments as they meant a lot to him.

After his mother cooked dinner, they sat down to eat and then he helped her to wash the few dishes they had and prepared himself for bed for he knows again at the very early call of their rooster’s ‘cock-a-doodle-do’ he would have to be up once again.

Such was Muja’s daily life routine except for weekends when he gets the chance to at least play football which he loved very much with his friends. But of course this is after he had done all his chores first and then he would be free to play.

Days went on and fell into nights and nights dawned into beautiful mornings as Muja’s life continued but unfortunately with the busy schedule he had, his studies seemed to suffer. This was because the only time he had for his studies was when he was in class , so he had to struggle extra hard – more than all his fellow students in order to keep up with them. But Muja being Muja – he was determined to make it so that he may be able to have a better future than the current one he was having.

One Wednesday evening when Muja went out for his normal firewood collection, he was met with quite an incident that would make him remember this day for the rest of his life. He started picking the firewood at his usual spot on the edges of the bush, but this time his mind seemed to be quite far and didn’t realize that he had actually entered the bush which his mother always cautioned him about. In a trance like manner he continued on with his wood picking until suddenly “WHAM” right into a trap he walked and thus found himself entangled in a net and as much as he tried to free himself – it was just an impossible task. For the first time by looking around he realized that he had walked far into the bush and his heart started pounding so fast ‘doom,doom,doom’ that he could hardly hear anything else . He tried his level best to calm himself down so that he can think of his next move, so after just a few seconds which to him seemed ages he managed to calm down and could look at the surroundings properly. All he could see were trees and trees which seemed to be bending towards him and he could only hear the eerie sounds of the bush habitants whom he couldn’t see.

Time did seem to have stood still but he felt it must be quite late and was thinking “now my parents must really be worried!” and tears started to roll down his cheeks. He really wished for anybody to come by and help him, maybe a hunter…. Then he started screaming “help,help,help” at the very top of his voice but only the echo of his voice seemed to answer him with the same “help,help,help” screams – but he did not despair nor did he give up. He would rest a bit and call out for help at short intervals.

It went on this way until he started shaking with fear and when he was just about to give up – you won’t believe what happened. Muja had already given up and thought he would be a meal for one or another of the wild animals but his kind heartedness was about to pay now, for he suddenly heard that lovely from a long time back voice say:

“Ooh! Muja, Ooh! My kind hearted Muja,
Don’t be afraid – your friend is here
To help you…….”

And yes, looking up – guess who Muja saw? That’s right, that little bird he once saved and wondered privately how this little thing would be able to help him. In a matter of seconds the little bird started tweeting in the bird language and from all directions – all Muja could see were wings and wings flying into the call of his friend and it communicated to them to start cutting the net with their beaks. Since they all knew the kind hearted Muja who had many a time saved them from the Mwapata land boys with their catapults – they were more than happy to help getting Muja out of the trap.

They didn’t waste any time in doing just that and within no time Muja was freed by his bird friends and they started escorting him out of the bush right up to the main lane. That’s when Muja found out that it had already gotten dark and knew how worried his poor parents would be – his little bird friend said:

“Ooh! Muja, Ooh! Kind hearted Muja,
This is where we leave you for we
Have to go and sleep now…….”

And Muja said to them:
“Ooh! My lovely friends,
I say thank you very much for
Saving my life, I shall never forget
This for as long as I live…….”

Off they went back to the bush and Muja started running up the lane towards his home not even thinking about the firewood….and just as he was about to turn around the corner he bumped into an old man who held him steadily before he could fall and said in wonder “Is this you Muja? Is it really you my son…?” his voice full of emotion and Muja replied “father, father, oh! Am I glad to see you again”

They hugged and started walking together towards their home where they found his mother right at the gate with such a worried look on her face. She too couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw her son and tears of joy ran down her cheeks as Muja ran towards and hugged her so hard while he too started crying not believing that he wasn’t actually eaten by the wild animals and that he was back home with his mother and father.

After resting and being given a bowl of porridge, he told the whole story to his awed parents and promised them that he will never venture again into the bush. Thus, he went to sleep with a big smile on his face knowing he was safe in his parents’ home.


P.S. The book is in print form too if you would like to get a hard copy please inbox me in my Facebook page: strokes of my pen

By: Naima Baghozi

Who are the peckers? Why are they called the peckers? Let us find out …

In one place there were three big ducks, very big indeed about five kilos each. Every time they see a puddle of water anywhere they become very happy.

They would play in the water quack quacking around and singing in loudest of voices in their own language that they can understand. We people could never understand. We only think they are making a lot of noise and disturbing us all the time.

One thing about these ducks is that when they get this puddle of water anywhere, they would act like they own that whole place, not wanting anyone to even pass by.

One day they found a puddle of dirty water on a street between houses. This street was a very busy one with people passing all the time and not forgetting cars, motorbikes and bicycles.

The people who were driving in their cars or riding on their motorbikes and bicycles were very safe. We cannot say the same to the people who are walking on foot or the school children going or returning from school…

The very moment these ducks sense a person or a child coming then up and up go their necks and their beaks are all set and ready to peck at anyone who comes near them. All the while, they make so much noise and even to an extent of chasing the passersby away. Yes, the people do run away returning to the same route they came with.

This made it very difficult for the people and school children who were afraid of the ducks because they knew when they peck, they do it very hard and it really hurts.

So, all the time the people using this street would hope that the ducks would not be there so they could get to their homes easily. If they find the ducks there, they would have to take a very long way to get to their homes. This way they would always be very late getting to their homes and their families become very worried.

There are some people who are brave and are not afraid of them. These people, even if they see the ducks raising their necks high and making so much noise, they would just walk by the ducks without being afraid.

Funny enough, the ducks don’t even try to peck them; they just let them pass by. It is like they sense when people fear them and they chase them ready to peck. When they sense a person is not afraid of them, they just let him pass.

The people got so fed up with these ducks and really prayed for the puddle of water to dry up so they can go to another place. Days went and days came but the ducks remained at the same spot. The only time they were not there is in the evening when they went home to sleep. Early in the mornings, they would return to the street which they thought was theirs alone, not to be used by anybody else.

The people got so tired of this that they decided to go and see the owner of these ducks and talk to him. So, they asked the people around the area if they knew where he lived. They were taken to the house of the owner of these ducks. It was not far, just around the corner.

The owner listened to the people’s cries and the problems they had to get their way to their homes. The owner listened carefully to them and then finally said,

“I have heard you…” and that is all. He then closed his door and went inside his house.

So, the people were left just standing there with wonder on their faces, not knowing what to understand by what he said. They all decided to go on their way hoping maybe tomorrow things will be different and the ducks owner will have made a different plan for the ducks.

Come the next day, the people were in for a big surprise for they found the ducks at the same usual spot and even happier quack quacking and making more noise.

As days continued this way and the owner had not taken any action of removing his ducks from the busy street, the people got angrier. One day, among these people there were some young boys, about eight of them, who thought of a plan to get these ducks out of people’s way.

They met by themselves without telling anybody of what they were planning to do.

They waited until it was almost evening time and then slowly, came towards the ducks holding in their hands three big boxes. The plan was for them to jump upon the ducks with their boxes open and just carry them away for good.

They did just that but it wasn’t very easy because the ducks were very big and they quacked so loudly while fighting for their lives but the young boys were also strong and wanted to make sure they got the ducks out of the way of the people and the school children.

Finally, they were able to trap them in the boxes and just took the opposite direction so that the owner wouldn’t see them.

The normal time for their going home came and their owner opened the gate in readiness so when they come, they could just go in…but on this day, they just did not come home and it was getting dark. The owner started worrying and went out to look for them but they were nowhere to be found.

He started asking his neighbours if they had seen his ducks but no one had seen them. Then he started asking little children who normally play around if they had seen them anywhere but the children had also not seen them.

He kept asking around until one little boy came forward and said he saw these young boys who had come with boxes and took them away.

The owner put his hands on his head and started screaming on top of his voice for the loss of his three big ducks who would have brought him a lot of money if he had sold them.

He then wished he had listened to the people who had come to bring their cries to him. He should have taken more care of them and kept them inside his compound. Then they would not have the chance of troubling people and pecking at them all the time.

Now, he was the one who was at a loss for he wasn’t going to see his lovely ducks ever again for he didn’t even know where to start looking for them.

Now you know who the peckers are and why they were called that. From the next day onward all the people were surprised but happy to see that the ducks were no longer there. They did not even know what had happened to them. All they knew was that they were glad that they were forever gone.

***THE END***











Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Unaweza kusoma sehemu ya 4:

Mbele ya macho yao kulikuwa na jiwe na ubavuni mwake kulikuwa na maua ya rangi ya manjano kijani na nyekundu. Rafiki yao Kinyonga alikuwa amelala usingizi mzito juu ya hilo jiwe mfano ni kama alikuwa anaota jua, asilolijua ni kuwa dua yake imejibiwa. Rafiki zake ndio walikuwa wameona. Kinyonga alikuwa amerembeka kweli. Rangi yake ya mwili iko sawa na rangi zile za maua ubavuni mwake, yaani ngozi yakeimejigawanya rangi za manjano, kijani na nyekundu.
Kwa furaha nyingi hawakuweza kujizuia, kwa shangwe na nderemo na hamu wakamwamsha Kinyonga. Naye Kinyonga akaonyesha ni kama ametoka kwenye usingizi mzito. Akifungua macho yake vizuri akaona rafiki zake wanaruka ruka kwa furaha na kuimba:
“Kinyonga amefaulu, Kinyonga amefaulu, sasa ni mrembo…”

Akawauliza: “Munasema nini?”
Tumbiri akamjibu: “Umepata ulilotaka, sasa mwili wako umeshakuwa una rangi rangi.”
“Unasema kweli?” Kinyonga akamuuliza akiwa na tabasamu kubwa.
“Naam, hapo ulipo rangi yako iko sawa na maua karibu na wewe.”
Tausi na Kombamwiko pamoja na Sungura wakaongezea: “Ni kweli Kinyonga, hata sisi sote tumeshangaa na urembo wako.”

Mara Kinyonga akafanya kuondoka karibu na hayo maua, zile rangi zikapotea, wenzake wakakatiza furaha zao na kunyamaza kimya, wakamtizama rafiki yao na macho ya kusikitika. Kinyonga akawauliza: “Mbona ghafla furaha imewaishia? Muna nini, na mbona munaniangalia na macho ya huzuni hivyo?”
Aliyemjibu ni Tausi: “Kinyonga hizo rangi tayari zimekupotea.”
“Haiwezekani, sikubali.” Kinyonga akajibu na huku machozi yanamtoka.

Sungura akamwambia Kinyonga asilie naye akajibu: “Nisilie vipi? Baada ya dakika tu kujihisi ni mrembo kwa furaha mulizonionyesha, urembo umenipotea tena.”
Halafu akaondoka na kurudi kwenye jiwe lake na mara zile rangi zilimrudia tena na rafiki zake wakarudi kufurahi tena. Kinyonga akashangaa, na rafiki zake walishangaa zaidi, wakamweleza hayo waliyoyaona. Wakawa hawafahamu ni nini kinachoendelea.

Kinyonga aliwaomba rafiki zake wamtizame akiondoka tena zitafanyika nini. Basi aliondoka hapo na kutembea juu ya mchanga. Rangi za maua ziliondoka na mara alikuwa rangi ya mchanga, alipopita juu ya nyasi akageuka rangi ya kijani. Yaani kila rangi aliyopitia Kinyonga akawa anabadilika kuwa rangi hiyo. Hata alipokuja karibu na Tausi na mkia alikuwa amechanua rangi yake ikawa ya Tausi.

Rafiki zake waliona ni maajabu na kumwelezea yote haya Kinyonga hata akawaambia: “Natamani ningeweza kujiona…” akiwa na wingi wa furaha.
Kombamwiko akasema: “Sungura, wewe ndie ulio na mbio kuliko sisi sote, ni bora ukamfuate Yule mwanadamu, umuelezee kilichotokea na umuombe aje na kioo ili Kinyonga aweze kujiona…”

Sungura akakubali mara moja na hapo hapo akazitoa mbio zake zote mpaka kwa mwanadamu. Njiani alipishana na Paka hata hakumsemesha. Paka akawa anajiuliza mbio hizo Sungura anakwenda wapi? Haikupita muda mrefu akamuona anarudi na mwanadamu akiwa amebeba kioo. Usabasi ukamshika akaamua kuwafuata ili ajue kinachoendelea. Akawafuata kwa kando kando mpaka wakafika sehemu akawaona tena Tausi, Tumbiri na Kombamwiko lakini Kinyonga haonekani. Rafiki zake walikuwa wamemwabia arudi kwenye yale maua ili aonekane na hizo rangi. Basi walipofika walipokuwepo ndio wakamuona Kinyonga na uzuri wake wote. Mwanadamu akamwambia akiwa na mwingi wa tabasamu: “Eh, Kinyonga- umepata ulilotaka sasa nimekuja na kioo ujione ulivyokuwa mrembo.”

Basi akamsimamishia kioo na Kinyonga hakuamini macho yake kwa urembo alouona, akauliza: “Yule ni mimi kweli?” Akajibiwa: “Ni wewe kweli na Sungura amenieleza kuwa unabadilika kila rangi, hebu nionyeshe…”

Kinyonga akaondoka kwenye maua akawa anajionyesha kila sehemu anaposimama anabadilika rangi ya hiyo sehemu. Mwanadamu akamwambia: “Hakika nimekufurahia kwa kupata ulilotaka. Usisahau kumshukuru Bwana Mola kwa kukupatia ulichotaka.”

Kinyonga akamjibu: “Siwezi kusahau, na wewe pia nakushukuru pamoja na hawa rafiki zangu kwa msaada wenu.” Mara akagundua Paka yuko hapo hana la kusema ila mdomo ulikuwa wazi tu, macho yamemkodoka ni kama hayaamini aliyoyaona mbele yake. Kinyonga akamuuliza: “Paka, leo huna ufidhuli wa kusema, si ulituona sisi sote ni wajinga na ukanicheka tu kwa matamanio yangu. Basi leo tunakucheka wewe…

“Hahahaha-hehehehe-hahahaha-hehehehe.” Rafiki zake pamoja na mwanadamu wakamsaidia. “Hahahaha-hehehehe-hahahaha-hehehehe,”

Paka akaondoka kwa unyonge, kichwa na mkia ukiwa chini. Kinyonga na rafiki zake wakaendelea na sherehe zao za kufurahia maisha mapya ya Kinyonga. Yeye mwenyewe aliendelea kuringa ringa, akijigeuza hivi, mara vile. Akaendelea kuishi maisha yake kwa raha mustarehe akijuwa popote anapopita anageuka rangi ya anapopapitia.

Jina la Kinyonga linamaanisha kugeuka geuka na yeye ndivyo alivyo wa kugeuka geuka rangi.


Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Unaweza kusoma sehemu ya 3:

Rafiki zake nao wakazidi kutilia mkazo ombi hilo: “Tafadhali Tausi, tafadhali sana, msaidie maskini amesumbuka sana…” wakaendelea hivyo kwa muda kumnasihi Tausi ili akubali. Wakati wote huo Paka alikuwa amejificha juu ya mti karibu kuanguka kwa kujizuia na kicheko maana kila akikaa anastaajabu kwa nini Kinyonga ana lazima ya kujibadilisha rangi yake.

Tausi naye alipoona Kinyonga ananyenyekea sana pamoja na rafiki zake moyo wake ukaingia imani na kuamua: “Sawa nimekubali kumpatia Kinyonga manyoya yangu…lakini sijui kama yatamsaidia…”

Basi hapo hapo Tausi akaanza kujikukuta kukuta na kuyapiga piga mabawa yake na mara mbele ya kikundi hicho manyoya kadhaa yakamtoka na kuanguka chini wote wakafurahi na Tumbiri akasogea na kuanza kuyaokota hayo manyoya. Halafu akamwita Kinyonga: “Sogea karibu na mimi rafiki yangu tuanze kazi ya kukurembesha.” Basi Kinyonga akamsogelea na wenzi wao pia wakajisogeza ili wapate kuona vipi manyoya ya Tausi yataweza kumbadilisha Kinyonga rangi ya mwili wake.

Tumbiri akachukuwa manyoya na kuyaweka juu ya mgongo wa Kinyonga na kuanza kuyasugua kwa ustadi na umakinifu mkubwa. Wote wakawa wanazuia pumzi wakisubiri kwa hamu kuona mabadiliko yatakavyoanza kutokea. Tumbiri aliendelea kufanya ufundi huo kwa makini na subira kubwa mpaka mikono ikaanza kumuuma kwa machofu lakini hakuna hata dalili moja ya mabadiliko iloonekana.

Paka, muda wote huo alikuwa akizuia kicheko chake hapo juu ya mti, hakuweza kujizuia tena. Mara wote waliinua macho waliposikia: “Hahaha-hehehe-hahaha- Nyinyi mnachekesha kweli kweli, hahaha, hehehe! Hata mbavu zinaniuma. Vipi mnaweza kubadilisha tulivyoumbwa? Hahaha…”

Wote walioko chini walikasirika sana na Paka. Kinyonga akamjibu Paka na kumwambia: “We Paka, we endelea tu kunicheka, iko siku hicho kicheko chako kitakukwamia kooni…”

Wakiwa bado wako hapo hapo alitokea mwanadamu akiwa katika matembezi yake. Akaona mkusanyiko wa wanyama hawa utadhani wako kwenye mkutano muhimu, basi akawakurubia na kuwasalimu.
“Habari zenu?” Wakajibu kwa pamoja: “Nzuri.”
“Mbona mumekusanyika? Mna mkutano?”
Akajibu Kinyonga: “Huu mkusanyiko ni kwa ajili yangu na pengine wewe ndie utakaeweza kunisaidia.”
“Ni msaada gani unaouhitaji kwangu?”

Basi Kinyonga akaanza kwa utaratibu kumweleza binadamu shida yake tangu mwanzo hadi mwisho, naye binadamu alisikiliza kwa makini na mwisho akatabasamu tu.

Kinyonga akmuuliza: “Utaweza kunisaidia?”
Mwanadamu akamjibu: “Nimekusikiza kilio chako na nimekufahamu vizuri. Lakini si unafahamu Muumba pekee ndie anaeweza kubadilisha maumbile yetu?”
“Sasa nifanye nini? Mimi nataka sana niwe na mwili wa rangi rangi…”

Mwanadamu akaonyesha ni kama yuko kwenye mawazo mazito. Basi wote walibaki kimya wakisubiri atatoa uamuzi gani. Mwishowe akasema: “Kinyonga, mimi nimefikiri sana na nimeona umwombe Bwana Mola akupatie huo mwili wa rangi rangi unaotaka. Yeye ndie aliekuumba hivyo na yeye peke yake ndie atakayeweza kukubadilisha, basi muombe usiku na mchana na akipenda atakupa hizo rangi uzitakazo kwa mwili wako, sawa?”

Kinyonga na rafiki zake wakakubali kuwa hilo ndilo jawabu la sawa na wote wakamshukuru mwanadamu, akashika njia yake na kuondoka.

Kombamwiko akasema: “Kinyonga, usijali hata sisi kama rafiki zako tutakusaidia kumwomba Bwana Mola, au sivyo wenzangu?” Wote wakajibu: “Naam, sote tuko pamoja.” Paka alipoona bado wanaendelea na wazimu wao aliondoka na kuenda zake akiwaacha na ujinga wao- ndivyo alivyofikiria yeye.

Ibada ya Kinyonga na rafiki zake zikaanza.Usiku na mchana, wakipumzika kidogo tu. Kila kukipambazuka wakimtizama Kinyonga hawaoni mabadiliko yoyote. Lakini hawakuchoka wakaendelea kuomba sana na kwa unyenyekevu. Kwa machofu mengi usiku wa kuamkia siku ya saba usingizi uliwashinda nguvu wakapotelewa na usingizi bila hata ya kuhisi.
Asubuhi na mapema, kulipopambazuka tu na Jua kujitokeza, wa kwanza kuinuka alikuwa Sungura, akawatizama wenzake akawaona wote bado wako usingizini, akajiuliza: “Hivi sote tumeishia kulala bila ya kumwombea rafiki yetu Kinyonga?”

Kisha akageuka huku na huku kumtafuta Kinyonga amelala wapi, akawa hamuoni. Akafanya wasiwasi na kuwaamsha Tumbiri, Tausi na Kombamwiko. Wote wakashtuka kuwa wamelala usiku huu uliopita. Wakauliza: “Kuna nini?”
Sungura akawajibu: “Sote tumepitikiwa na usingizi na hata hatukuweza kumwombea rafiki yetu na sasa hata simuoni, hebu sasa tumtafuteni.” Wakazunguka zunguka wakimtafuta rafiki yao kwa wasiwasi kwani usiku wote walikuwa pamoja.
Hawakufika mbali mara kwa mshangao mkubwa walisimama kwa pamoja midomo yao yote ikiwa wazi isitoke sauti hata moja…

Mbele ya macho yao kulikuwa na jiwe na ubavuni mwake kulikuwa na maua ya rangi ya manjano kijani na nyekundu. Rafiki yao Kinyonga alikuwa amelala usingizi mzito juu ya hilo jiwe mfano ni kama alikuwa anaota jua, asilolijua ni kuwa dua yake imejibiwa. Rafiki zake ndio walikuwa wameona. Kinyonga alikuwa amerembeka kweli. Rangi yake ya mwili iko sawa na rangi zile za maua ubavuni mwake, yaani ngozi yakeimejigawanya rangi za manjano, kijani na nyekundu.
Kwa furaha nyingi hawakuweza kujizuia, kwa shangwe na nderemo na hamu wakamwamsha Kinyonga. Naye Kinyonga akaonyesha ni kama ametoka kwenye usingizi mzito. Akifungua macho yake vizuri akaona rafiki zake wanaruka ruka kwa furaha na kuimba:
“Kinyonga amefaulu, Kinyonga amefaulu, sasa ni mrembo…”


Ungana nami katka kipande cha mwisho wa stori hii karibuni in shaa Allah…

Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Unaweza kusoma sehemu ya 2:

Maskini Kinyonga akajitizama na kuona michirizi ya rangi iliyokuwa ikitiririka kutoka mwilini mwake. Moyo ulimuuma na machozi kumbubujika buji buji akiuona urembo wake huooo unamtoka. Kombamwiko alimbembeleza sana na kujaribu kila njia ya kumnyamazisha lakini wapi…ndio mwanzo Kinyonga alikuwa anazidisha kilio mpaka mwisho Kombamwiko akamwambia: “Sikiza rafiki yangu, usilie sana. Naona ni bora urudi kwa Tumbiri umuombe akusaidie tena na sasa umeshajua ukiona mvua ukimbie wala usikaribie maji yoyote, sawa?”

Kinyonga hapo akapata moyo kidogo na kuamua kufanya hivyo. “Shukrani sana Kombamwiko kwa nasiha yako nzuri, naona ndivyo nitakavyofanya. Kwaheri kwa sasa , wacha nianze safari ya kwenda kwa Tumbiri , tutaonana.”
“Kwaheri ya kuonana na nakutakia kila la heri.”

Kinyonga akashika njia ya kurudia huko huko alikotoka. Safari yenyewe ilikuwa si fupi lakini aliamua kwenda hivyo hivyo maana lengo lake ni kubadili rangi ya mwili wake. Basi akaenda kwa mwendo wa kasi kadiri alivyoweza mpaka alipofika nusu ya njia akakutana na Sungura katika shughuli zake za kuchimba chimba akijitafutia chakula.

Akamsalimia kwa furaha : “Aah! Sungura rafiki yangu, habari za siku nyingi?” Sungura akamjibu : “ Nzuri Kinyonga. Ni kweli tumepotezana kwa muda mrefu sana. Hivi unaelekea wapi?”
“Kwa vile nimekuona wewe pengine sina haja ya kwenda nilikokuwa ninaenda.”
“kwani ulikuwa unaenda wapi? Na mimi ninaweza kukusaidia vipi?” Sungura akauliza tena.
“Wewe Sungura, sote tunakufahamu kwa ujanja na werevu wako ndio nimeona wewe utaweza kunipa ushauri bora nipate lengo langu.” Basi Kinyonga akaendelea na kumweleza kisa chake tangu mwanzo hadi mwisho.
Sungura akamuuliza: “Kwa ufupi unataka uwe na rangi kama za Tausi au sivyo?”
“Ndivyo,” akajibu Kinyonga.
Sungura akamwambia : “Mimi naona bora uende kwa Tausi umuombe akutolee manyoya mawili matatu hivi ujifutilie juu ya mwili wako na pengine utakuwa na rangi kama yeye.”
Kinyonga akashangaa sana na na huku akiwaza vipi tangu mwanzo hakufikiria hivyo. “Aah! Sungura si nimesema wewe u mwerevu sana, utakuja na mimi unisaidie kumwomba Tausi?”

Sungura akakubali kurudi naye. Walipotaka kuondoka walimuona Tumbiri anakuja. Alipowasili aliwasalimia na kuuliza kilichokuwa kinaendelea na sababu ya Kinyonga kutokuwa na rangi. Basi Kinyonga akamweleza kile kilichotokea na walichokuwa wananuia kufanya yeye na Sungura.

Tumbiri akamuonea huruma na kumwambia : “Usihuzunike rafiki yangu hata mimi nitakwenda na nyinyi tukamtaradhie kwa vizuri Tausi ili akupatie hayo manyoya yake.”

Basi safari ya watatu hao ikaanza kwa mwendo wa haraka. Mara njiani wakamkuta Paka, nae aliona mbio walizokuwa wanakuja nazo. Mwanzoni alikuwa hajamwona Kinyonga lakini walipomkaribia akamuona Kinyonga bila ya rangi rangi zake akaanza na kicheko chake: “Hahahaha, hehehehe Kinyonga hahaha ziwapi rangi zako?” Kinyonga kwa hasira akawaambia Tumbiri na Sungura: “Mwacheni huyu Paka na ujinga wake. Twendeni zetu.” Wakaondoka kwa haraka. Paka akaamua kuwafuata nyuma nyuma ajue wanakwenda wapi na wanakwenda kufanya nini.

Bila ya kujua kama Paka anawafuata kisirisiri, Kinyonga na maswahibu zake waliendelea na safari yao ya kwenda kwa Tausi. Kabla ya kuwasili kwa Tausi wakampata Kombamwiko mbele yao. Akamuuliza Kinyonga: “Mbona rafiki yangu umerudi hivyo hivyo bila kupaka rangi zako?”

Kinyonga akamweleza nini wameamua kufanya. Basi Kombamwiko akaamua kuwafuata. Msafara ukaendelea mpaka kwa Tausi. Tausi kama kawaida alikuwa akizunguka zunguka kwa maringo katika bustani. Mara akauona msafara unamwingilia wa Tumbiri, Sungura, Kinyonga na Kombamwiko.

Asiyemuona alikuwa ni Paka maana alikuwa amejificha wasimuone. Hamu yake nikutaka kujua kuna sababu gani ya wote hawa kuja mpaka kwa Tausi. Tausi mwenyewe aliona ajabu kuwaona wote hawa pamoja kwani kwa kawaida kila mmoja huwa kivyake. Akaona bora awaulize: “Habari zenu? Muna nini leo, mbona mmeandamana kuja kwangu?”
Akajibu Sungura: “Nzuri Tausi. Sisi tumejikusanya kwako na ombi dogo tukutaradhie kama utaweza kutusaidia. Tausi akashangaa huku akiwaza ombi gani hilo lililowafanya hawa wote kujikusanya na kuja kwake. Akaamua kutaka kujuwa: “Ombi gani hilo? Hebu niambieni na nikiweza nitakusaidieni.”

Tumbiri akapata moyo kidogo akasongea mbele na kusema: “Tausi, wewe unajua vizuri vipi Kinyonga anatamani kuwa na mwili wa rangi rangi kama wewe sivyo?”
Tausi akajibu: “Naam ni kweli, kwa hivyo munataka mimi nifanye nini?”

Kinyonga akajisogeza mwenyewe na kumweleza mambo yote yaliyojiri tangu alipoachana na yeye mpaka muda ule walipofika kwake. Akamalizia na kusema:
“Sasa nakuomba unisaidie na manyoya yako mawili matatu ili nijipake mwilini mwangu na pengine nitakuwa na rangi nzuri kama zako.”

Rafiki zake nao wakazidi kutilia mkazo ombi hilo: “Tafadhali Tausi, tafadhali sana, msaidie maskini amesumbuka sana…” wakaendelea hivyo kwa muda kumnasihi Tausi ili akubali. Wakati wote huo Paka alikuwa amejificha juu ya mti karibu kuanguka kwa kujizuia na kicheko maana kila akikaa anastaajabu kwa nini Kinyonga ana lazima ya kujibadilisha rangi yake.

Tausi naye alipoona Kinyonga ananyenyekea sana pamoja na rafiki zake moyo wake ukaingia imani na kuamua: “Sawa nimekubali kumpatia Kinyonga manyoya yangu…lakini sijui kama yatamsaidia…”


Itaendelea karibuni in shaa Allah 🙂

Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Unaweza kusoma sehemu ya kwanza ya hekaya hii:


“HAHAHA HAHAHA HEHEHE….” Aliangua kicheko kile huku akiwa chali mara akijipindua hivi na vile maana aliona ajabu kuwa Kinyonga aliamini ataweza kujigeuza rangi ya mwili wake.

Kinyonga alipoona namna anavyocheka paka kwa stihizai alikasirika na kuondoka huku akilini akijiambia, “Nitamwonesha huyu Paka kuwa naweza kujigeuza!”

Basi akaendelea na safari yake mpaka akatokezea pahala penye miti kiasi na hapo akamuona Tumbiri akirukaruka kutoka mti mmoja hadi mwingine katika hali ya kucheza cheza . Alipomuona Kinyonga akasita katika michezo yake.

“Kinyonga, habari ya siku nyingi? Kitambo sijakuona, ulikuwa wapi?” Akajibu Kinyonga : “Nilikuwa huko mbali kwenye boma la Tausi.” Tumbiri akamuuliza : “Ulikuwa unafanya nini muda wote huo?” Nae akamjibu: “Nilikuwa nikiushangilia na kuufwatilia uzuri wa rangi zake na hasa anapochanua mkia wake. Zile rangi zake zinanipendezea sana mpaka nimetamani kuwa nazo. Je, unaweza kunishauri vipi nitaweza kuzipata rangi hizo nzuri mwilini mwangu?”

Tumbiri akamtazama Kinyonga bila kumwambia kitu kwanza kisha akamwabia: “Hmm! Subiri nifikiri kidogo .” Wakaketi kimya kidogo huku Tumbiri akijikuna kichwa akiwa mwenye bahari ya mawazo. Mara akaruka ghafla juu na chini akimwambia Kinyonga kuwa ameshapata jawabu la suala lake. Kinyonga nae akainua uso wake kwa bashasha na furaha nyingi akimtaka Tumbiri amjibu kwa haraka. “Niambie rafiki yangu, wewe ndiye rafiki yangu wa kikweli kweli.” Tumbiri akamnyamazisha kwa kumwambia: “Unaona giza limeanza kuingia , bora tulale, tupumzike hadi asubuhi. Maoni yangu ni kuwa tukusanye maua ya kila rangi kama mekundu , manjano, zambarau, kijani na kadhalika. Kisha tuyatie maji kidogo na kuyaponda ponda mpaka yatoe rangi, hiyo rangi ukijipaka mwilini mwako kila sehemu rangi tofauti utakuwa mrembo kama Tausi. Unaionaje fikra yangu?”

Kinyonga alishindwa kuficha furaha yake na akajibu kwa wingi wa bashasha: “Maoni yako ni mazuri sana na naona ni njia nzuri kabisa. Haya tulale basi ili tuweze kurauka.”

Basi kila mmoja akashika upande wake na kulala lakini Kinyonga kwa ile hamu aliyokuwa hakuweza kulala vizuri maana aliona hata asubuhi haitofika…

Hata kabla ya kupambazuka vizuri alikuwa tayari kuianza hiyo shughuli ya kutafuta maua . Kwa vishindo vyake na kufurukuta kwake Tumbiri akainuka nae kwa kughasika akamuuliza Kinyonga : “Mbona unafanya vishindo mpaka umenikatiza usingizi wangu? Mwenyewe nilkuwa ninaota ndoto nzuri …”

“Ndoto gani ya saa hizi? Huoni asubuhi imeshafika? Inuka tukatafute hayo maua.” Tumbiri akajibu: “Wewe hata umelala? Sasa hata mwangaza haujatoka. Sasa tutaona nini hivi? Tusubiri kidogo zaidi.” Basi Kinyonga akawa hana budi ila kusubiri mwangaza utokeze vizuri maana alijua bila ya usaidizi wa Tumbiri hatoweza kufanya lolote.

Akawa anaenda mbele akirudi nyuma huku akijipatia vidudu akijilia. Mwangaza ulipojitokeza vizuri Tumbiri akamwambia:”Haya rafiki yangu wakati umewadia. Twende tukakusanye maua tuje tuanze kazi.”

Kinyonga hakuweza kuficha hamu yake akasema: “Haya twende zetu.” Wakaondoka na kabla ya kufika mbali wakakiona kiwanja kilichopambika kwa maua ya rangi ainati, yaani kila rangi waliotaka waliipata hapo. Nao hawakuchelewa kuanza kukusanya. Kinyonga alikuwa amebahatika kwani Tumbiri alikuwa na mikon kama ya binadamu kwa hivyo kazi ilifanyika vizuri. Muda si muda Tumbiri akasema: “ninaona haya tuliyoyakusanya yanatosha. Twende zetu.”

Wakarudi maskani yao. Tumbiri akachukua maji kidogo na jiwe na kuanza kuyaponda ponda yale maua kila rangi kivyake. Yalipotoa rangi alimwambia Kinyonga “Haya rafiki yangu rangi zote ziko tayari njoo nikupake upate kurembeka.”

Kinyonga akasogea mpaka alipo Tumbiri naye akaanza kumpaka rangi moja baada ya nyingine yaani kijani kisha nyekundu kisha zambarau kisha manjano na rangi nyinginezo kwa ustadi kabisa. Alipomaliza akamwambia : “Eeh Kinyonga umependeza kweli. Sasa sogea ukae penye jua upate kukauka vizuri. Kinyonga akaenda palipo na jua huku akiuliza : “Nimependeza kweli?” Tumbiri akamjibu kuwa kila atakayemwona angemwonea wivu.

Basi akajituliza juani na kwa sababu usiku hakulala vizuri akapatwa na usingizi. Ni kama alikuwa akiota jua.Aliposhtuka ilikuwa imeshafika adhuhuri. Akamuaga Tumbiri kuwa anaaondoka: “Mimi sasa ninarudi nikamwonyeshe paka aliyekuwa akinicheka na kombamwiko aliyesema sitoweza geuka na hasa huyo tausi aliyenidharau.”

Tumbiri akajaribu kunasihi abaki nae zaidi kidogo lakini alikataa kata kata . “Samahani rafiki yangu lakini hujui ile hamu niliyo nayo kuwafikia hao walionidharau. Tutaonana siku nyingine na asante sana kwa usaidizi wako rafiki yangu, wewe peke yako ndiye uliyesimama na mimi.Haya kwaheri ya kuonana…”

“Kwaheri ya kuonana.” Tumbiri akamjibu.

Kinyonga akaanza safari yake ya kurudi maskani yake anapoishi na Tausi. Akatembea kwa muda mrefu, mara akamwona Paka ,akamwita: “Paka, Paka wajidai hunioni. Niangalie, niangalie uone urembo wangu.”  Huku akijigeuza hivi na vile ili aone rangi zake tofauti tofauti. Akaendelea: “Mbona sasa hunicheki, nicheke kama ulivyonicheka mwanzo. Hahahaha-hehehehe.” Akimuigiza vile alivyomcheka mara ya kwanza. Paka akamjibu kwa mshangao: “Aah! Kinyonga, huyu ni wewe kweli?” huku akimzunguka zunguka. Kinyonga hakumjibu kitu. Aliondoka tu na kwenda zake akimwacha Paka kinywa wazi.

Basi safari ikaendelea njia nzima maringo yakimzidi na pia akitafakari vile alivyomuacha Paka na mshangao. Kinyonga akaendelea mpaka alipokutana na kombamwiko. Naye pia hakusita  kuona maajabu ya mabadilko ya Kinyonga ,akamuuliza: “Kinyonga, ni wewe au ni macho yangu? Umekuwa mrembo kweli. Umefanya nini hadi kupata rangi hizo nzuri nzuri mwilini mwako?”

Kinyonga akamjibu: “Sikukosa wa kunisaidia, ingawaje nyinyi huku mlikataa kabisa.”

“Sio tulikataa nawe, ni kuwa hatukujua tukusaidie vipi. Niambie basi ulimpata nani wa kukusaidia?” Kwa maringo zaidi kinyonga akaanza kumwelezea namna Tumbiri alivyomsaidia tangu mwanzo hadi mwisho. Alipomaliza akawa anamuaga Kombamwiko hamu yake kubwa ni kumfikia Tausi ili auone urembo wake. Mara kwa ghafla kukateremka mvua , mvua iliyokua haitarajiwi. Kombamwiko mbio mbio akaingia kwenye kipango chake ili kujikinga na mvua na Kinyonga maskini akawa anahangaika hajui ajifiche wapi, mwisho akapata majani ya mkungu yaliokuwa yameanguka chini akajibarizi hapo.

Haikuchukuwa muda mrefu, mvua kama ilivyoshuka kwa ghafla na pia ikasimama kwa ghafla na pia ikasimama kwa ghafla. Kukawa kimya kwa muda mfupi.

Kombamwiko akatoka makaoni pake na kuangalia Kinyonga alikokuwepo huku akimuita, : “ Kinyonga, Kinyonga..,uko wapi?”

Kwa utaratibu Kinyonga akajitokeza na kujibu “ Mimi niko hapa..” Akanyamaza ghafla kwa kumuona jinsi Kombamwiko alivyokuwa akimtizama kwa sura ya huzuni kubwa.

“Mbona unaniangalia hivyo?” Akauliza. Jawabu alilopata ni: “Urembo umeshakutoka rafiki yangu …”

“Ukimaanisha nini?” Kinyonga akashangaa. Kombamwiko akauliza: “Umesahau kuwa si maumbile yako bali ni rangi tu ulizojipaka?”

“Kwa hivyo…?” Kinyonga akarudi kuuliza. “Kwa hivyo ile mvua iliyokupiga imebakisha michirizi ya rangi tu mwilini mwako tena zimechanganyika changanyika. Hebu tizama chini yako huoni mitiririko ya rangi?”Maskini Kinyonga akajitizama na kuona michirizi ya rangi iliyokuwa ikitiririka kutoka mwilini mwake. Moyo ulimuuma na machozi kumbubujika buji buji akiuona urembo wake huoooo unamtoka.

Itaendelea karibuni…


Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Tausi alikuwa anazunguka zunguka katika bustani kwa maringo, akitembea na mwendo wa aste aste, akiuchanua mkia wake kama ua kubwa. Kwa hakika yeye ni ndege mrembo sana na hasa pale anapochanua mkia wake. Wakati wote huo alipokuwa akiringa ringa, hakujuwa kuwa alikuwa anafuatwa na macho asiyoyaona. Anapokwenda au anapozunguka, macho yale yalikuwa yakiuandama kwa matamanio makubwa. Macho yenyewe makubwa ya kiasi kwa hivyo yalikuwa hayapitwi na jambo lolote. Mwenye macho mashuhuri hayo alikuwa ni kinyonga. Kinyonga wakati huo alikuwa na rangi moja tu ya rangi ya kunde. Lakini kinyonga hakuridhika na rangi yake basi alibaki kummezea mate Tausi kwa uzuri wake alompa Mola. Alikuwa akitamani sana kama na yeye angeweza kuwa na rangi nzuri nzuri kwenye mwili wake ili avutie kama tausi.

Kila uchao yeye alikuwa akikaa juu ya ukuta kimya na kumtazama tausi anavyojishaua na huku akili yake ikimuenda kama saa kwa mawazo. Alikuwa akipanga na kupangua vipi na yeye ataweza kuwa mrembo kama tausi. Mwisho akaamua bora amwulize tausi mwenyewe. Akamwita kwa sauti ya unyenyekevu,


“Naam kinyonga, unasemaje?”

“Mimi kila siku sina kazi ya kufanya ila kukaa hapa kwenye ukuta na kukuangalia unavyotembea kwa maringo huku na huku, hasa ukichanua mkia wako,” Kinyonga akasema.

“Na wewe hupendi?” Tausi akamwuliza.

“Sio hivyo rafiki yangu. Mimi nilikuwa napendezewa na hizo rangi zako nzuri na natamani na mimi ningeweza kuwa na rangi kama hizo. Si bora ungenipa na mimi hiyo siri yako ili na mimi niwe mzuri kama wewe?”

Tausi akacheka sana, “Ha ha ha Ha ha ha” mpaka akawa hawezi kujizuia. Kinyonga akashangazwa na hali hii ya tausi mwishowe akamuuliza akamuuliza, “ni kitu gani kimekuchekesha namna hiyo?”

Tausi kwa taabu akajizuia huko kucheka kwake na kumjibu, “Umenichekesha rafiki yangu kwa sababu vipi utapata uzuri kama wangu au siri gani hiyo nikupe uweze kujibadilisha? Kwani mimi sikujiumba mwenyewe kuwa hivi…”

Kinyonga akamkatiza maneno kwa kumwambia, “Sawa kama hutaki kunisaidia, wewe ringa tu, mimi nitatafuta njia mwenyewe.” Tausi akamtizama kwa mshangao akiwaza je huyu Kinyonga ataweza vipi kujigeuza?  Kinyonga akaondoka na huzuni na masikitiko akimwacha Tausi na fikra.

Mapambazuko ya siku ya pili na mapema yalimpata Kinyonga tayari yuko njiani kujitafutia njia ya kujigeuza na ndio akakutana na Kombomwiko.

“Habari ya asubuhi Mende.”

“Nzuri sana Kinyonga. Je mbona na asubuhi mapema leo? Unaelekea wapi?”

“Ah rafiki yangu pengine hata wewe utaweza kunisaidia.”

“Niambie rafiki yangu, nikiweza nitakusaidia,” akajibu Kombomwiko.

Basi Kinyonga akaendelea, “Mimi natamani sana niwe na rangi mwilini kama vile Tausi na sijui nifanye vipi hata niweze kupata rangi hizo. Je unaweza kunisaidia kimawazo?”

Kombomwiko akamjibu,“Ah! Kwani rangi yako ina nini? Si mimi pia niko na rangi moja mwili mzima na nimeridhika nayo? Hivi ndivyo tulivyoumbwa.”

Kinyonga akaona hapa hatopata msaada wowote akamwambia Kombomwiko, “Basi wewe bakia hivyo hivyo, mimi nitaendelea kutafuta njia ya kuweza kujigeuza rangi niwe kama Tausi. Kwaheri.” Akashika njia yake na kumwacha Kombomwiko na wazo kama za Tausi; je ni vipi ataweza Kinyonga kujigeuza rangi ya mwili wake?



Kinyonga akaendelea na safari yake na baada ya muda akakutana na paka akamtangulizia salamu.

“Paka hujambo?”

“Sijambo Kinyonga. Leo mbona uko mbali huku na makao yako ya kawaida?” Paka akauliza.

“Niko njiani nikitafuta namna ya kujigeuza niwe na rangi nzuri nzuri kama Tausi…”

Hata kabla hajamaliza matamshi yake, Paka akamkatiza na kicheko cha ajabu.

“HAHAHA HAHAHA HEHEHE….” Aliangua kicheko kile huku akiwa chali mara akijipindua hivi na vile maana aliona ajabu kuwa Kinyonga aliamini ataweza kujigeuza rangi ya mwili wake.

Kinyonga alipoona namna anavyocheka paka kwa stihizai alikasirika na kuondoka huku akilini akijiambia, “Nitamwonesha huyu Paka kuwa naweza kujigeuza!”…..

Je Kinyonga ataweza kubadilisha rangi ya mwili wake? Ungana na mimi wakati ujao Mungu akipenda tufatilie hadithi hii!